
A place for my ramblings, stories and such.

Tues. 17May16 - Day 0 - Heading to Ontario, CA

This is it!  The morning that I head out to Ontario, CA, to check into the first of many hotels in the coming weeks.  I'll be meeting many fellow supporters and veterans, getting our first FNG briefing, meeting my pack and platoon mates.  Nerves abound!

Day 0 Pictures

Locked, loaded and ready to go!
The Lady and The Tramp are packed and ready to hit the road.

Business Cards
In my reading, it was suggested that we print some 'business cards' in order to streamline remembering new folks as we expand our social networks along the ride.  Here's the front of mine, with my contact info blurred out.

The back of my cards explained my personal reasons for supporting this important mission.

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RFTW 2024 - In the offing!


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