
A place for my ramblings, stories and such.

Days leading up to departure...

After months of preparation, the day that I embark on my longest organized group ride approached, at an alarming rate...  Had to get mom off to the airport, with her suitcases o' supplies, transport chair, and whatnot.  That went without a hitch, the weekend before I was to leave for Los Angeles.

Pre-Departure Stuff
Just a little stuff was packed to ensure mom's vacation went smoothly...

Mom's Ready to GO!
Couple suitcases of clothes, a medical monitor in another (yay that medical equipment doesn't count against checked-bag limit!), and carry on.  Bags interlinked and pulled with one hand, while pushing her transport chair with the other.  Quite the sight!

This poor fellow was found sleeping on the dining room floor when as I was packing over the weekend.  A quick mixing-bowl and cookie sheet capture and release into our raised beds was had.  It was a bit shocked to find itself under a bowl when it woke up as I was sliding the cookie sheet under it.

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RFTW 2024 - In the offing!


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Saturday, July 27, 2024