
A place for my ramblings, stories and such.

Tues. 17May16 - Day 0 - Ontario, CA experiences

Many friends were concerned that I'd be undertaking the eastbound trip alone.  This could not be further from the truth, as this blog will show.

I arrived at my hotel, which was down the street from the host hotel, where all the events, briefings, and what not would happen prior to our departing on Day 1.

Just a quick photo of a few of the bikes that were staging at the host hotel, along with the various vendors.

This is but the tip of the behind the scenes logistics 'iceberg' that makes this mission run so smoothly.
The blue 9 sticker on the windscreen denotes our Central route pack (blue), and my platoon number 9, which is 2-wheel bikes with trailers.
The small 205 sticker denotes we are bike # 205 registered in our pack.
The Run For The Wall cling sticker is kinda self explanatory.  One thing I learned about them along the route is if they are not applied correctly, they will peel off at highway speeds.  I think, in total, I bought and used 3 of them.

The United States Marine Corps Band from Camp Pendleton was present to kick off todays' activities.
Here're two links to videos from their performance (videos are large and should stream):
USMC Camp Pendleton Band Video #1
USMC Camp Pendleton Band Video #2

This is the only meal where all three routes are represented before we each leave tomorrow.
Dinner Video

Gummi bears caramels donut carrot cake carrot cake chupa chups bonbon tootsie roll.

Gummi bears caramels donut carrot cake carrot cake chupa chups bonbon tootsie roll.

Gummi bears caramels donut carrot cake carrot cake chupa chups bonbon tootsie roll.

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RFTW 2024 - In the offing!


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