
A place for my ramblings, stories and such.

Sun. 22May16 - Day 5 - Goodland, KS to Junction City, KS

Felt like Dorothy, did not become Dorothy...
Last night, many of us took as much stuff as we thought we might need/lose off of our bikes into our hotel rooms.  The winds were whipping, and the skies quite ominous.  There was even a tornado warning, or three, in the area.  Thankfully, upon rousting from slumber, I looked out my hotel room window to see that The Lady and The Tramp had weathered the overnight storms without an issue.
Today started our two day trek across Kansas.  We'd all be watching the weather forecasts, especially after getting a taste of the winds and weather last night at The Armory.  Fortunately, it appeared as if we'd be either chasing, or leading, the weather that was also headed north/east across the state.  We rallied for breakfast and staged at The Armory.  Many thanks again to the good Citizens of Goodland for being such gracious hosts.
We rode our first leg, about 57 miles, to Oakley, KS for an early lunch.  We got a taste of the sometimes wicked crosswinds, coming from the south, that would accompany us on our ride through Kansas.  Much of our riding time was spent leaning at a decent angle just to maintain track positioning.  It was fun.  Kept us awake, that's for sure!
Even with the time difference, we arrived at about 1030hrs, local, in Oakley.  A windy, but tasty, lunch and presentation were enjoyed at the park in Oakley.  The first pic below is a panorama of our staging area at the park.

By this point in the run, the hot 'zone' (vice focused hot spot), caused by my helmet, was making its' presence known.  So, until I could get to a pharmacy to pickup some Tegaderm patches, I made do with what I had in my motorcycle first aid hit.  The skull cap did a nice job of hiding the patch job... Lol...

Onward to Junction City, KS
After lunch, we rode about 120 miles on to Bunker Hill, KS.  A break and a fuel stop saw us on our final leg of the day, to Junction City, KS.
We arrived in Junction City, and paraded through town to Heritage Park.  There, a ceremony was held at their Veterans Memorial.

After the ceremony, we rode over to our dinner hosts, the Fraternal Order of Eagles.  Dinner and fellowship were had, before we headed off to our sleeping accommodations (be they hotel or camping). 

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